Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blogging as a complementary tool to the Traditional Class

I like the idea of the Blog being complementary to the traditional class. I have felt the need for such a tool many times. After getting to know more about how we can use Blogging as language teachers, I felt this is exactly what I needed; a tool that can get me connected with my students outside the four walls of the classroom. Many a times I felt, after leaving the class, I wanted to teach my students more and discuss this point or that point in more details with the students. But time was never enough. I had to cover a certain amount of teaching materials to keep up with the syllabus plan. Here is now a chance for me to spend more time with my students and discuss more things in detail. I feel lucky to have been born into this age when things are getting easier thanks to advancements in technology.

Let's make the best out of this fantastic technological tool.

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